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Dr. Lana Liable

Oh Where, Oh Where, did it go?

Summer, a season often treasured by many which passes by too quickly. The "summer blues" are a real malady that some folks suffer from and so I, figured that rather than look at a season ending lets look at what a new season shall bring :)

  • Remember all the fun and wonderful memories that you experienced over the last couple months - make a collage that you can hang up to remind you of all the great times you enjoyed.

  • Think about all the new opportunities that will be availed once, your schedule returns to a formal routine with back to school, work, etc.

  • Write down a list of fun activities that you and your family can do as the season begins to wane- summer weekend outings, long walks at the sea, ice cream on a hot day, apple picking, to name just a few.

  • "Re-think" your attitude towards summer winding down and what you will miss, to rather, all the great things to look forward to in the fall.

  • IF, fall is not your favourite season, consider how you can think more positively about it and change your brain from dwelling on negativity to uplifting thought and action.

  • As fall, approaches, we have four (4) months to to re-start our original New Year's resolutions and bring in the next year stronger, more fit, healthy and happy.

  • Lastly, remember, each and everyday is special and it is the only day we are guaranteed IF we woke be purposeful, positive and passionate with each moment.

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